Is Point Inside Solid

#✂️ Function to check if point is inside a solid
def is_point_inside_solid(point, solid):
    # Create a tiny line from Point
    line = Line.CreateBound(point, XYZ(point.X, point.Y, point.Z + 0.01))  # Create Tiny Line
    tolerance = 0.00001

    # Create Intersection Options
    opts = SolidCurveIntersectionOptions()
    opts.ResultType = SolidCurveIntersectionMode.CurveSegmentsInside

    # Intersect Line with Geometry
    sci = solid.IntersectWithCurve(line, opts)

    if sci:
        return True

    #👇 InCase you want to investigate the intersection.
    #for i,x in enumerate(sci):
    #    curve = sci.GetCurveSegment(i)
    #    pt_start = curve.GetEndPoint(0)
    #    pt_end   = curve.GetEndPoint(1)
    #    if point.IsAlmostEqualTo(pt_start, tolerance) or point.IsAlmostEqualTo(pt_end, tolerance):
    #        return True

⌨️ Happy Coding!
Erik Frits