from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document
uidoc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument
app = __revit__.Application
all_room_tags = FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id)\
step = 2
def move_room_and_tag(tag, room, new_pt):
"""Function to move both Room and Tag Locations, if they are not part of the group.
:param tag: Room Tag
:param room: Room
:param new_pt: XYZ Point."""
if room.GroupId == ElementId(-1):
room.Location.Point = new_pt
if tag.GroupId == ElementId(-1):
tag.Location.Point = new_pt
with Transaction(doc, __title__) as t:
for tag in all_room_tags:
room = tag.Room
room_bb = room.get_BoundingBox(doc.ActiveView)
room_center = (room_bb.Min + room_bb.Max) / 2
if room.IsPointInRoom(room_center):
move_room_and_tag(tag, room, room_center)
room_boundaries = room.GetBoundarySegments(SpatialElementBoundaryOptions())
room_segments = room_boundaries[0]
length = 0
longest_curve = None
for seg in room_segments:
curve = seg.GetCurve()
if curve.Length > length:
longest_curve = curve
length = curve.Length
pt_start = longest_curve.GetEndPoint(0)
pt_end = longest_curve.GetEndPoint(1)
pt_mid = (pt_start + pt_end) / 2
pt_up = XYZ(pt_mid.X , pt_mid.Y +step , pt_mid.Z)
pt_down = XYZ(pt_mid.X , pt_mid.Y -step , pt_mid.Z)
pt_right = XYZ(pt_mid.X +step , pt_mid.Y , pt_mid.Z)
pt_left = XYZ(pt_mid.X -step , pt_mid.Y , pt_mid.Z)
if not (room.IsPointInRoom(pt_up) and room.IsPointInRoom(pt_down)):
if room.IsPointInRoom(pt_up):
move_room_and_tag(tag, room, pt_up)
elif room.IsPointInRoom(pt_down):
move_room_and_tag(tag, room, pt_down)
elif not(room.IsPointInRoom(pt_right) and room.IsPointInRoom(pt_left)):
if room.IsPointInRoom(pt_right):
move_room_and_tag(tag, room, pt_right)
elif room.IsPointInRoom(pt_left):
move_room_and_tag(tag, room, pt_left)