Transactions: How To Make Changes with Revit API

Let's look at how to make changes in our projects with Revit API using Transactions.

Transactions: How To Make Changes with Revit API

Let's look at how to make changes in our projects with Revit API using Transactions.


What are Transactions?

Transactions are used to protect our projects from unwanted changes. So, whenever we want to make changes, we need to Start and Commit a Transaction.

This way, Revit knows that we are changing something on purpose. It's also great for beginners, as it ensures that you can't possibly change anything in your project unless you use a transaction, making exploring the Revit API much safer for you and your projects.

There are 3 types of transactions that you can use in the Revit API:

First of all, let's start with regular Transaction because you will use it 95% of the time. And we will look into SubTransaction and TransactionGroup in another video.

Revit API Docs - Transaction

Let's read some documentation about Tranasctions.

It's worth reading Remarks about Transaction class, because it has a few good points there.

Transaction: Constructor

First of all we need to create an instance of a Transaction. Let's have a look at the constructor method.

We need to provide Document where we want to make any changes and then name of the Transaction (this name will be shown in the Undo menu in Revit).

t = Tranasction(doc, 'Transaction Name')
Transaction: Methods

Then we need to Start() and Commit() our transaction. And all the changes have to be between these 2 statements.

t.Start()  #🔓
# 👉 Changes here...
t.Commit() #🔒

We also have an option to .Rollback() transaction, so none of the changes are applied to the project. That might be useful if you need to check something during your changes to decide if you want to keep them.

💡 Rollback also have an option to provide FailureHandlingOptions as argument to handle warnings, but I will cover it in a separate video!

Transaction in Action

You've already seen me use Transactions in previous lessons, but let's look at it once more. I will add try/except statements and also an option to RollBack. You can simplify it with just Start and Commit for most tools!

There are 2 ways to use Transaction, so you can choose whatever you like more.

#1️⃣ Transaction
t = Transaction(doc, __title__)
    # Changes Here

# 2️⃣ Transaction
with Transaction(doc, __title__) as t:
        # Changes Here
Transaction in custom context manager

We can create a context manager to handle 'Start', 'Commit', and 'Rollback' operations, making our code more Pythonic.

A context manager is a concept that enables us to perform specific actions both before and after our main action. You've likely encountered context managers before, like when using 'with open(path) as file:'

💡 There is a separate lesson for that!

# Custom Context-Manager(Another Video)
with ef_Transaction(doc, __title__, debug = True):
    # Changes Here


✅ We have already used Transactions in previous videos, so I think we can skip HomeWork.


What if I accidentally Commited Transaction?

What if I accidentally Commited Transaction?

What about other Transaction methods?

What about other Transaction methods?

How to get rid of Warnings during Transactions?

How to get rid of Warnings during Transactions?

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