Revit + Python = Awesome!

or be Automated

Revit Is
Not Perfect…

Learn How To
Create Custom Tools
for Revit yourself!

Learn How To
Create Custom Tools
for Revit yourself!

Erik Frits

・ Your Revit API Instructor
・ Creator of EF-Tools

・ Your Revit API Instructor
・ Creator of EF-Tools

The Fastest Way to Start creating evit Add-ins with Python

The Fastest Way to Start creating
evit Add-ins
with Python

Anthony Juste

BIM Specialist at NIRAS

I've been using pyRevit for about 2 years now. It took me 2 months to create my first plugin and make it work.

My colleague discovered Erik's free videos a couple of months ago and created his first in a week.

Thanks! We use your vids for training now.

I've been using pyRevit for about 2 years now. It took me 2 months to create my first plugin and make it work.

My colleague discovered Erik's free videos a couple of months ago and created his first in a week.

Thanks! We use your vids for training now.

Learning Revit API
sounds impossible

Learning Revit API
sounds impossible

If you don't have a plan…

Many of you tried to learn it and failed. And that's okay!
I know it, because I'm completely self-taught myself. And I struggled a lot learning it on my own…

But after years of using Revit API, creating hundreds of Revit Add-ins and recording more than 100 tutorials about it,

I realized that Revit API is not that complicated, if you follow the right system to learn it.

And I will make sure that you learn it the right way!

If you don't have a plan…

Many of you tried to learn it and failed. And that's okay!
I know it, because I'm completely self-taught myself. And I struggled a lot learning it on my own…

But after years of using Revit API, creating hundreds of Revit Add-ins and recording more than 100 tutorials about it,

I realized that Revit API is not that complicated, if you follow the right system to learn it.

And I will make sure that you learn it the right way!

Follow the Plan

Follow the Plan

Join The Course

Get unlimited access to all video lessons, with written summaries, code snippets and downloadables.

Additionally, you get access to the community, where you can ask for help, share your code and talk to other peers.

Join The Course

Get unlimited access to all video lessons, with written summaries, code snippets and downloadables.

Additionally, you get access to the community, where you can ask for help, share your code and talk to other peers.

Join The Course

Get unlimited access to all video lessons, with written summaries, code snippets and downloadables.

Additionally, you get access to the community, where you can ask for help, share your code and talk to other peers.

Learn the Basics

Follow the roadmap to
Learn Revit API.

Start with the basics of RevitAPI and its practical applications.

You'll be able to create your own Revit add-ins after a few modules!

Learn the Basics

Follow the roadmap to
Learn Revit API.

Start with the basics of RevitAPI and its practical applications.

You'll be able to create your own Revit add-ins after a few modules!

Learn the Basics

Follow the roadmap to
Learn Revit API.

Start with the basics of RevitAPI and its practical applications.

You'll be able to create your own Revit add-ins after a few modules!

Automate Revit

By the end of the course you will create your own Revit extension with many tools.

And the best part - a lot of the code you write during the course will be reused in your future Revit Add-Ins!

Happy Coding!

Automate Revit

By the end of the course you will create your own Revit extension with many tools.

And the best part - a lot of the code you write during the course will be reused in your future Revit Add-Ins!

Happy Coding!

Automate Revit

By the end of the course you will create your own Revit extension with many tools.

And the best part - a lot of the code you write during the course will be reused in your future Revit Add-Ins!

Happy Coding!

Revit API
Can Be Easy.

Revit API
Can Be Easy.

Revit API
Can Be Easy.

# Don't take my word for it,

# Try it yourself! 👉

# Don't take my word for it,

# Try it yourself! 👇

Select Untagged Doors in View






























active_view = doc.ActiveView

#👉 Collect Doors and Tags in View
all_doors = FilteredElementCollector(doc, active_view.Id).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors).WhereElementIsNotElementType()
all_tags = FilteredElementCollector(doc, active_view.Id).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_DoorTags).WhereElementIsNotElementType()

#🔎 Check Tagged Doors
tagged_door_ids = [tag.GetTaggedLocalElements()[0].Id for tag in all_tags]
untagged_doors  = [door.Id for door in all_doors if door.Id not in tagged_door_ids]

#🪄 Select Untagged Doors
from System.Collections.Generic import List

Select Untagged Doors in View






























active_view = doc.ActiveView

#👉 Collect Doors and Tags in View
all_doors = FilteredElementCollector(doc, active_view.Id).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors).WhereElementIsNotElementType()
all_tags = FilteredElementCollector(doc, active_view.Id).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_DoorTags).WhereElementIsNotElementType()

#🔎 Check Tagged Doors
tagged_door_ids = [tag.GetTaggedLocalElements()[0].Id for tag in all_tags]
untagged_doors  = [door.Id for door in all_doors if door.Id not in tagged_door_ids]

#🪄 Select Untagged Doors
from System.Collections.Generic import List

Select Untagged Doors in View






























active_view = doc.ActiveView

#👉 Collect Doors and Tags in View
all_doors = FilteredElementCollector(doc, active_view.Id).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors).WhereElementIsNotElementType()
all_tags = FilteredElementCollector(doc, active_view.Id).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_DoorTags).WhereElementIsNotElementType()

#🔎 Check Tagged Doors
tagged_door_ids = [tag.GetTaggedLocalElements()[0].Id for tag in all_tags]
untagged_doors  = [door.Id for door in all_doors if door.Id not in tagged_door_ids]

#🪄 Select Untagged Doors
from System.Collections.Generic import List

New To Python?

New To Python?

You Are Not Alone!
We all Start Somewhere

Iorhan Vendruscolo

Civil Engineer | LearnRevitAPI Member

My first mistake was rushing into the API without nailing the python basics. So, I slowed down and took a solid Python course (CS50) – a total game-changer!

Free Tip: If you’re like me, new to programming, sort those basics first to avoid future headaches!

Jean-Marc Couffin

Senior BIM Specialist at BIM One

💛pyRevit Dev Team

LearnRevitAPI Course is a valuable resource for anyone looking to master the Revit API and develop plugins with confidence.

I highly recommended the course for Revit Experts, BIM specialists, Beginners and experienced Python coders in the field.

Who is this course for?

Who is this course for?

Who is this course for?

# ✅ Revit Architects
# ✅ Revit Engineers
# ✅ Revit Modelers

# ✅ Revit BIM Managers

# ✅ Revit Coordinators

# ✅ Revit MEP-Engineers

# ✅ Revit HVAC Modelers
# ✅ Revit Experts

# ✅ Revit Coder

# Any Revit User Not Afraid of Programming!

What's Inside Lessons?

What's Inside Lessons?

What's Inside Lessons?

🎦 Comprehensive Video Lesson

🎦 Comprehensive Video Lesson

🎦 Comprehensive Video Lesson

📝 Lesson in a written form

📝 Lesson in a written form

📝 Lesson in a written form

♻️ Reusable Code Snippets

♻️ Reusable Code Snippets

♻️ Reusable Code Snippets

💼 Homework To Practice

💼 Homework To Practice

💼 Homework To Practice

💬 Discuss Lesson in Community

💬 Discuss Lesson in Community

💬 Discuss Lesson in Community

📜 Short PDF Summaries (Coming Soon)

📜 Short PDF Summaries (Coming Soon)

📜 Short PDF Summaries (Coming Soon)

All You Need
TO Learn Revit API

What will be used?

What will be used?



Revit 2023

Revit 2023



Revit Lookup

Revit Lookup

Join The Course

Learn Revit API Course



Join today to get:

Access to Revit API Course (~14 hrs)

Discord Community Access

Future Course Updates Included

Unlimited Course Access

Certificate in the Future*

Massive High-Five if you meet me👋

300+ people have already joined!

Need a company invoice?
Write to

Join The Course

Learn Revit API Course



Join today to get:

Access to Revit API Course (~14 hrs)

Discord Community Access

Future Course Updates Included

Unlimited Course Access

Certificate in the Future*

Massive High-Five if you meet me👋

300+ people have already joined!

Need a company invoice?
Write to

Risk FREE!


100% Money Back



Risk FREE!


100% Money Back



Risk FREE!


100% Money Back



Be a part of
LearnRevitAPI Community

Be a part of
LearnRevitAPI Community

Afraid of
Getting Stuck?

Afraid of
Getting Stuck?

Ask For Help!

Ask For Help!

150+ members






Erik Frits



😥Feeling stuck? Ask For Help!

Mohamed Mostafa Bedair

Architect | LearnRevitAPI Member

7 min ago

The content is great, organized, and informative, it helps you understand The Revit API in an easy way.

And If you struggle with something, ask the community👍

The Community is helpful and friendly, we help each other, share our code, and laugh out loud over our hard times 😂

Iorhan Vendruscolo

Civil Engineer | LearnRevitAPI Member

2 min ago

The real unexpected gem was the Discord community.

Whenever I need help, I can just shoot a quick message and get some answers in the chat. Even cooler is when you have the opportunity to help someone; that's when you really learn things you wouldn't expect.

⌨️ Happy Coding!

150+ members


😥Feeling stuck? Ask For Help!

Mohamed Mostafa Bedair

Architect | LearnRevitAPI Member

7 min ago

The content is great, organized, and informative, it helps you understand The Revit API in an easy way.

And If you struggle with something, ask the community👍

The Community is helpful and friendly, we help each other, share our code, and laugh out loud over our hard times 😂

Iorhan Vendruscolo

Civil Engineer | LearnRevitAPI Member

2 min ago

The real unexpected gem was the Discord community.

Whenever I need help, I can just shoot a quick message and get some answers in the chat. Even cooler is when you have the opportunity to help someone; that's when you really learn things you wouldn't expect.

⌨️ Happy Coding!

150+ members


😥Feeling stuck? Ask For Help!

Mohamed Mostafa Bedair

Architect | LearnRevitAPI Member

7 min ago

The content is great, organized, and informative, it helps you understand The Revit API in an easy way.

And If you struggle with something, ask the community👍

The Community is helpful and friendly, we help each other, share our code, and laugh out loud over our hard times 😂

Iorhan Vendruscolo

Civil Engineer | LearnRevitAPI Member

2 min ago

The real unexpected gem was the Discord community.

Whenever I need help, I can just shoot a quick message and get some answers in the chat. Even cooler is when you have the opportunity to help someone; that's when you really learn things you wouldn't expect.

⌨️ Happy Coding!

Platform Sneak Peak

Platform Sneak Peak

Course Testimonials

Mohamed Mostafa Bedair

Architect | LearnRevitAPI Member

Teach me how to fish🎣and you will feed me for life!! This is what the course promises you, Guaranteed 👌

I consider this course a big leap in my career like no other. The content is great, organized, and informative. It helps you learn Revit API in an easy way. It will also help you understand Revit itself even more.

And if you struggle with something, ask the community. The Community is helpful and friendly. We help each other, share our code, and laugh out loud over our hard times 😂.

I also love Python, and was super happy to know I can use it with Revit API.

Alhamdulillah, I‘m using it now in my company, making more tools to make our tasks and lives much easier.

A Big Shout-Out to Erik and The Learn Revit API Community

Mohamed Mostafa Bedair

Architect | LearnRevitAPI Member

Teach me how to fish🎣and you will feed me for life!! This is what the course promises you, Guaranteed 👌

I consider this course a big leap in my career like no other. The content is great, organized, and informative. It helps you learn Revit API in an easy way. It will also help you understand Revit itself even more.

And if you struggle with something, ask the community. The Community is helpful and friendly. We help each other, share our code, and laugh out loud over our hard times 😂.

I also love Python, and was super happy to know I can use it with Revit API.

Alhamdulillah, I‘m using it now in my company, making more tools to make our tasks and lives much easier.

A Big Shout-Out to Erik and The Learn Revit API Community

Mohamed Mostafa Bedair

Architect | LearnRevitAPI Member

Teach me how to fish🎣and you will feed me for life!! This is what the course promises you, Guaranteed 👌

I consider this course a big leap in my career like no other. The content is great, organized, and informative. It helps you learn Revit API in an easy way. It will also help you understand Revit itself even more.

And if you struggle with something, ask the community. The Community is helpful and friendly. We help each other, share our code, and laugh out loud over our hard times 😂.

I also love Python, and was super happy to know I can use it with Revit API.

Alhamdulillah, I‘m using it now in my company, making more tools to make our tasks and lives much easier.

A Big Shout-Out to Erik and The Learn Revit API Community

Anthony Juste

BIM Specialist

I've been using pyRevit for about 2 years now, it took me 2 months to create my first plugin and make it work.

My colleague discovered Erik's free videos a couple of months ago and created his first in a week. Thanks! We use your vids for training now.

Anthony Juste

BIM Specialist

I've been using pyRevit for about 2 years now, it took me 2 months to create my first plugin and make it work.

My colleague discovered Erik's free videos a couple of months ago and created his first in a week. Thanks! We use your vids for training now.

Anthony Juste

BIM Specialist

I've been using pyRevit for about 2 years now, it took me 2 months to create my first plugin and make it work.

My colleague discovered Erik's free videos a couple of months ago and created his first in a week. Thanks! We use your vids for training now.

Krzysztof Wojslaw

Parametric Design Engineer LearnGrasshopper

Krzysztof Wojslaw

Parametric Design Engineer LearnGrasshopper

Krzysztof Wojslaw

Parametric Design Engineer LearnGrasshopper

T. Bradley


I used to use Dynamo for custom tasks outside of Revit’s capabilities, but often had to look up snippets of Python code to implement where nodes were lacking. Therefore, I really wanted to learn how to use the Revit API and write my own Python scripts so I could have more control and possibilities within Revit.

I looked at several online courses, but this one stood out by far, because the creator of the course continues to develop and add more content so you don’t plateau, but steadily keep increasing your knowledge.

The video lessons show you step by step how to set up your coding environment and quickly get you started on creating your first Add-Ins.

All the lessons also come with lecture notes that you can reference when you are writing your own code.

The Community Discord is such a bonus on top of all the content you get in the lessons.

It’s a place where code is shared and loads of help is given to assist you in problem solving your scripts.

Also, the creator of the course is very active on the Discord, which helps create a great community.

If you are new to Python, I found that first completing the CS50 Introduction to Python course, as suggested by this platform, was very useful. And once you have done that you are ready to get started on learning how to write your own scripts with Learn Revit API.

I can’t recommend this course highly enough, and you will get so much joy from the freedom of being able to write your own custom tools that you can use for your Revit projects.

Onur Korkmaz

BIM Software Developer

Thanks to your amazing resources, I started developing with pyRevit. Now, my extensions (Arch, Str, and MEP) have reached almost +200 tools

Tomasz Michalek

BIM Coordinator

The LearnRevitAPI course is the best!
Additionally, the support on the Discord group is very helpful, I think it's the main value of this course 🔥

Tomasz Michalek

BIM Coordinator

The LearnRevitAPI course is the best!
Additionally, the support on the Discord group is very helpful, I think it's the main value of this course 🔥

Tomasz Michalek

BIM Coordinator

The LearnRevitAPI course is the best!
Additionally, the support on the Discord group is very helpful, I think it's the main value of this course 🔥

Andreas Draxl

BIM - Manager

I'm an Architect since 12 years, working in Autodesk Revit.

I discovered pyRevit 2 years ago and thought learning RevitAPI was impossible. But this course is really bridging the gap between Python, coding, and practical use.

It is not so difficult as it seems.

Andreas Draxl

BIM - Manager

I'm an Architect since 12 years, working in Autodesk Revit.

I discovered pyRevit 2 years ago and thought learning RevitAPI was impossible. But this course is really bridging the gap between Python, coding, and practical use.

It is not so difficult as it seems.

Andreas Draxl

BIM - Manager

I'm an Architect since 12 years, working in Autodesk Revit.

I discovered pyRevit 2 years ago and thought learning RevitAPI was impossible. But this course is really bridging the gap between Python, coding, and practical use.

It is not so difficult as it seems.

Jean-Marc Couffin

Senior BIM Specialist

LearnRevitAPI is a valuable resource for anyone looking to master the Revit API and develop plugins with confidence.

I highly recommended the course for Revit Experts, BIM specialists, Beginners and experienced Python coders in the field.

Jean-Marc Couffin

Senior BIM Specialist

LearnRevitAPI is a valuable resource for anyone looking to master the Revit API and develop plugins with confidence.

I highly recommended the course for Revit Experts, BIM specialists, Beginners and experienced Python coders in the field.

Jean-Marc Couffin

Senior BIM Specialist

LearnRevitAPI is a valuable resource for anyone looking to master the Revit API and develop plugins with confidence.

I highly recommended the course for Revit Experts, BIM specialists, Beginners and experienced Python coders in the field.

Thomas Vogt

VDC Technology & Process Manager | LearnRevitAPI Member

I recently completed the LearnRevitAPI Course and found it to be an incredibly enriching experience.

The course's was exceptional in teaching pyRevit. It had clear explanations and manageable modules that built upon each other. Lessons were supportive, including video tutorials and code samples.

If you don't know Python yet, there are plenty of free courses suggested by users in the Discord Community.

Also the LearnRevitAPI Community in Discord was invaluable. It provides a collaborative and supportive environment.

The course has exceeded my expectations in terms of content depth and the instructor's commitment to ongoing support.

I highly recommend this course, and I'm excited about the upcoming content the author plans to add in the future.

Thomas Vogt

VDC Technology & Process Manager | LearnRevitAPI Member

I recently completed the LearnRevitAPI Course and found it to be an incredibly enriching experience.

The course's was exceptional in teaching pyRevit. It had clear explanations and manageable modules that built upon each other. Lessons were supportive, including video tutorials and code samples.

If you don't know Python yet, there are plenty of free courses suggested by users in the Discord Community.

Also the LearnRevitAPI Community in Discord was invaluable. It provides a collaborative and supportive environment.

The course has exceeded my expectations in terms of content depth and the instructor's commitment to ongoing support.

I highly recommend this course, and I'm excited about the upcoming content the author plans to add in the future.

Thomas Vogt

VDC Technology & Process Manager | LearnRevitAPI Member

I recently completed the LearnRevitAPI Course and found it to be an incredibly enriching experience.

The course's was exceptional in teaching pyRevit. It had clear explanations and manageable modules that built upon each other. Lessons were supportive, including video tutorials and code samples.

If you don't know Python yet, there are plenty of free courses suggested by users in the Discord Community.

Also the LearnRevitAPI Community in Discord was invaluable. It provides a collaborative and supportive environment.

The course has exceeded my expectations in terms of content depth and the instructor's commitment to ongoing support.

I highly recommend this course, and I'm excited about the upcoming content the author plans to add in the future.

Matteo Gentili

BIM Specialist

I am very happy with how the course is structured.

I'm currently focused on finishing the python basics in the CS50 course, as recommended in the discord. I had no previous experience in programming and I'm learning a little at a time.

This course has certainly given you more awareness of how the Revit API works. I am very happy to have purchased the course.

I hope the community will develop more and more and that I can keep learning from it 

Matteo Gentili

BIM Specialist

I am very happy with how the course is structured.

I'm currently focused on finishing the python basics in the CS50 course, as recommended in the discord. I had no previous experience in programming and I'm learning a little at a time.

This course has certainly given you more awareness of how the Revit API works. I am very happy to have purchased the course.

I hope the community will develop more and more and that I can keep learning from it 

Matteo Gentili

BIM Specialist

I am very happy with how the course is structured.

I'm currently focused on finishing the python basics in the CS50 course, as recommended in the discord. I had no previous experience in programming and I'm learning a little at a time.

This course has certainly given you more awareness of how the Revit API works. I am very happy to have purchased the course.

I hope the community will develop more and more and that I can keep learning from it 

Kristina Radkovets

Blender Specialist / 3D Artist

I highly recommend Learn Revit API course. I might be biased because I live with him! But jokes aside, he spent so much time on this course, and it's finally out, which means I can have my living room back.

Kristina Radkovets

Blender Specialist / 3D Artist

I highly recommend Learn Revit API course. I might be biased because I live with him! But jokes aside, he spent so much time on this course, and it's finally out, which means I can have my living room back.

Kristina Radkovets

Blender Specialist / 3D Artist

I highly recommend Learn Revit API course. I might be biased because I live with him! But jokes aside, he spent so much time on this course, and it's finally out, which means I can have my living room back.

Caleb Naugle

Project Manager

The creator of EF-Tools is very active in the community and actively creates content to help others develop their own automations and plugins."

Caleb Naugle

Project Manager

The creator of EF-Tools is very active in the community and actively creates content to help others develop their own automations and plugins."

Caleb Naugle

Project Manager

The creator of EF-Tools is very active in the community and actively creates content to help others develop their own automations and plugins."

Iorhan Vendruscolo

Civil Engineer | LearnRevitAPI Member

The course takes you from the basic steps to more complex API-related topics, making it very beginner-friendly. As someone relatively new to the programming world, I was able to make my very first script work in the first classes.

The real unexpected gem was the Discord community.

Whenever I need help, I can just shoot a quick message and get answers in the chat. Even cooler is when you have the opportunity to help someone. That's when you really learn things you wouldn't expect.

Iorhan Vendruscolo

Civil Engineer | LearnRevitAPI Member

The course takes you from the basic steps to more complex API-related topics, making it very beginner-friendly. As someone relatively new to the programming world, I was able to make my very first script work in the first classes.

The real unexpected gem was the Discord community.

Whenever I need help, I can just shoot a quick message and get answers in the chat. Even cooler is when you have the opportunity to help someone. That's when you really learn things you wouldn't expect.

Iorhan Vendruscolo

Civil Engineer | LearnRevitAPI Member

The course takes you from the basic steps to more complex API-related topics, making it very beginner-friendly. As someone relatively new to the programming world, I was able to make my very first script work in the first classes.

The real unexpected gem was the Discord community.

Whenever I need help, I can just shoot a quick message and get answers in the chat. Even cooler is when you have the opportunity to help someone. That's when you really learn things you wouldn't expect.

Juan Paniagua


This is one of the most expected courses in the AEC world! 🔥

Juan Paniagua


This is one of the most expected courses in the AEC world! 🔥

Juan Paniagua


This is one of the most expected courses in the AEC world! 🔥

Miguel Pinheiro

BIM Specialist / NIRAS

This course exceeded all my expectations, I can't imagine a better or faster way to learn pyRevit.

It's very well organized, filled with real-use case examples, and the Discord community was a brilliant idea. We get to share our developments with others and ask questions (Erik is super active in giving support there!).

For the value it delivers, this course is insanely affordable. I highly recommend it!

Gavin Crump

BIM/Computation Lead
Aussie BIM Guru /Architectus

Erik has been on my BIM radar for a while now. I'm constantly impressed by his abilities to take complex subjects like the Revit API and break them down in a friendly way. His platform presents a culmination of these abilities.

I see great potential and growth opportunity for people participating in his content.

EF-Tools was just the beginning. This is a truly exciting opportunity for those looking to get their teeth stuck into the Revit API and Python

Gavin Crump

BIM/Computation Lead
Aussie BIM Guru /Architectus

Erik has been on my BIM radar for a while now. I'm constantly impressed by his abilities to take complex subjects like the Revit API and break them down in a friendly way. His platform presents a culmination of these abilities.

I see great potential and growth opportunity for people participating in his content.

EF-Tools was just the beginning. This is a truly exciting opportunity for those looking to get their teeth stuck into the Revit API and Python

Gavin Crump

BIM/Computation Lead
Aussie BIM Guru /Architectus

Erik has been on my BIM radar for a while now. I'm constantly impressed by his abilities to take complex subjects like the Revit API and break them down in a friendly way. His platform presents a culmination of these abilities.

I see great potential and growth opportunity for people participating in his content.

EF-Tools was just the beginning. This is a truly exciting opportunity for those looking to get their teeth stuck into the Revit API and Python

Maria Florencia Retamal Borgogno

BIM Coordinator Architect

Taking the LearnRevitAPI course opens so many options for Revit users. After completing it, I started developing basic tools for my company and I'm feeling that I'm just scratching the surface of it.

Good thing: this course not only provides a quick start and guidance but also equips you with the necessary tools to continue researching and learning.

Happy coding! 😊

Vlad S.


I'm one of the happy members of the course, and although I haven't had the time to follow it step by step and properly finish it, it already helped me a few times to find answers to some issues I encountered with various scripts. I just went straight to the lessons that mentioned those issues, and found some code snippets that pointed me in the right direction.

I didn’t actually know Python before starting with Revit API / pyRevit, but I did have some programming knowledge (basic C++) and that definitely helped, as the logic is mostly the same with a slightly different sintax.

So yeah, prior programming knowledge helps, but either way, I would definitely recommend the platform for anyone interested in learning Revit API. Looking forward to actually finish the course myself 😛

Vlad S.


I'm one of the happy members of the course, and although I haven't had the time to follow it step by step and properly finish it, it already helped me a few times to find answers to some issues I encountered with various scripts. I just went straight to the lessons that mentioned those issues, and found some code snippets that pointed me in the right direction.

I didn’t actually know Python before starting with Revit API / pyRevit, but I did have some programming knowledge (basic C++) and that definitely helped, as the logic is mostly the same with a slightly different sintax.

So yeah, prior programming knowledge helps, but either way, I would definitely recommend the platform for anyone interested in learning Revit API. Looking forward to actually finish the course myself 😛

Vlad S.


I'm one of the happy members of the course, and although I haven't had the time to follow it step by step and properly finish it, it already helped me a few times to find answers to some issues I encountered with various scripts. I just went straight to the lessons that mentioned those issues, and found some code snippets that pointed me in the right direction.

I didn’t actually know Python before starting with Revit API / pyRevit, but I did have some programming knowledge (basic C++) and that definitely helped, as the logic is mostly the same with a slightly different sintax.

So yeah, prior programming knowledge helps, but either way, I would definitely recommend the platform for anyone interested in learning Revit API. Looking forward to actually finish the course myself 😛

What will you Learn?

What will you Learn?

What will you Learn?




Video Content


Happy Students




Video Content


Happy Students




Video Content


Happy Students

Built by a self-taught dev

Learning Revit API can be frustrating…
I know it, because I learnt it on my own without any support. But, you don't have to, and I'm here to make it easy for you.

Learning Revit API can be frustrating…
I know it, because I learnt it on my own without any support. But, you don't have to, and I'm here to make it easy for you.

Learning Revit API can be frustrating…
I know it, because I learnt it on my own without any support. But, you don't have to, and I'm here to make it easy for you.

Erik Frits

Erik Frits





I will be your instructor.

I've created hundreds of custom Add-ins for Revit and I've taught Revit Users how to code for years.

I'm creator of EF-Tools extension for Revit. It's 100% Free and Open-Source and used by thousands of people.

My goal is to make Revit API as simple as possible, and encourage more AEC professionals to start coding.

I will be your instructor.

I've created hundreds of custom Add-ins for Revit and I've taught Revit Users how to code for years.

I'm creator of EF-Tools extension for Revit. It's 100% Free and Open-Source and used by thousands of people.

My goal is to make Revit API as simple as possible, and encourage more AEC professionals to start coding.

Start Learning Revit API.

Join The Course Today!

Start Learning Revit API.

Join The Course Today!

Start Learning Revit API.

Join The Course Today!




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Happy Students




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Happy Students




Video Content


Happy Students


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