
Select Elements Modifed By a User

Sep 30, 2023
Select Elements Modifed By a User

🤔 Have you ever wondered, "Who did this or changed that in our work-sharing Revit project?"
Well, pyRevit has a tool that can give us answers for one element. But what if we need to select everything that someone changed in our project?
💡 Let's learn how to select elements that were last modified by someone.

👀 Get All Elements
➡️ First of all let's get all 3D Elements in our Revit Project, so we can sort it by users. Obviously we will use FilteredElementCollector.
I will also make sure that I am selecting Family Instances and they are View Independent .

💡 You can use different method to get your elements.
👽 Who Did That?
🔁 To sort elements by user we need to get that information from Elements. There is a class in Revit API WorksharingUtils.
👉 Inside there is a method called GetWorksharingTooltipInfo.

This method will return you WorksharingTooltipInfo.
And it has the following properties:
💡 You can choose which property you are interested in.
👇 Here is an example

↪️ Sort Elements by User
💡 Now we know how to get elements and get information about users from them. Let's create a dictionary where we sort all elements by LastChangedBy users.
📦 To do that, we will use defaultdict.
✅ They allow us to specify default value for each of the items in a dict. And we want each user to start with an empty list, so we can append elements to it.
❌ Otherwise you would need to check if user already exists in a dict, and either create an empty list or append to existing. We don't want to do that.

👉 Select User from List
✅ We have a list of all elements sorted by users. Let's ask our end-user whose elements we want to select.
📃 For that we will use SelectFromList form from pyrevit.forms. It's very simple to use and pyRevit documentation has examples that you can copy-paste.

💡 Check out pyRevit Forms if you never heard of them yet!
🎯 Select Elements
Now we have everything we needed. We just need to select these elements.

Let's use Selection.SetElementIds()
It takes 1 argument which has to be ICollection<ElementId>
But we will use List[ElementId]
Here is the snippet that will prepare List[ElementId]
and change Revit UI Selection.

🎯 Final Code
✨ Here is the final Result put together.

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I am already in the finish line, so I will do everything to release it this October. You will hear about it via my Newsletter for sure!
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