
Apr 3, 2023

Revit Lookup

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Benjamin Franklin

🔎 Before diving into coding with the Revit API, it's essential to be prepared and understand the elements you'll be working with. That's where the Revit Lookup plugin comes in, a must-have tool for any Revit API developer.

1️⃣ What is Revit Lookup?

💪 Revit Lookup is a powerful tool that scans Revit elements, allowing you to explore their properties and methods through a user-friendly interface.

🎯 It is extremely useful when you work with new or unfamiliar classes that have unusual behavior. It offers insights into an element's properties and methods, as well as their returned values, making it a crucial resource for both novice and experienced Revit API developers.

💡 This is Revit Lookup's UI

The menu split into 2 parts:

1️⃣ On the left, you'll find a list of elements, typically from the Snoop Current Selection.
2️⃣ On the Right you have a list of properties and methods

🔠 Bold text indicates that the item returns another Element or List of Elements, which can be further explored, while regular text just returns value.

2️⃣ How to Install it?

Revit Lookup is Open-Source + FREE and very easy to install. The installation steps can be found in the first 30 seconds of the video linked below.

🧠 Watching the video will also help you learn more about using Revit Lookup. I explain how to use Revit Lookup to create a script to get hidden parameter.

🎦 Revit Lookup for Beginners

👆 Click to open the video in a new tab

👇And Here is the link to
GitHub Repo

3️⃣ How to use Revit Lookup

🔎 Revit Lookup offers us a lot of way to inspect our Revit Elements or Project. The most popular are:

🔹 Snoop Selection
🔹 Snoop Active View
🔹 Snoop Database (Everything)

⌨️ I would recommend making a shortcut for Snoop Selection, because it is used 95% of the time. 

👉 Overall it's very straight-forward how to use this plugin.

Select elements, then Snoop Selection and explore what is available. Then if you find something that might be useful try to get it with the code. 

Then give a try to other options to see what you can get out of it. 

4️⃣ Snoop DataBase

👀 While most elements can easily be inspected using Revit Lookup, some elements might be a little trickier to find.

For example, if you want to examine the Material class in Revit Lookup, you have two options:

1️⃣ Snoop an element, that has material refference in one of the parameters
2️⃣ Use the Snoop Database to inspect materials directly.

💡 Snoop Database of your project and scroll through all the options. Then when you need special elements, you know where to start looking for them

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⌨️ Happy Coding!
Erik Frits

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