
Oct 21, 2023

Master Getting Elements!

🔥 Getting the right Elements is Half the Solution!

💡 Use this Guide to Master Getting Elements with Revit API!

Master Getting Elements!

📘 This PDF guide has 20 pages!
✅ You will get visual explanations
✅ And plenty of code example

📅 It took me a few weeks to write
So I hope you enjoy it


Why you should use it?

💡 This will be invaluable help in understanding FilteredElementCollector and Revit API Filters.

📰 It's a good reference guide to print out and keep on your desk for the moments you need it the most.

🪙 It used to sell for 'Pay what you Want' and some people found so much value that they even paid me 10-50euro.

🔥 But now I want to give you something really useful 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄❗

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⌨️ Happy Coding!
Erik Frits

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