
💾 Backup Your Code Before It's Too Late... [EP. 8/10]

Sep 25, 2024
🔒Don't Lose Your Code!

When it comes to Backups we all know that we should do them. But it's easy to postpone until it's too late...
Trust me, that's what happened to me. TWICE...
It always happens because of stupid mistake or when you are in a rush. And then you sit there and google 'How to restore my deleted code'.
And let me tell you something: You can't always get your files back... I had to learn it the hard way.
So, Spend a few minutes now to save hours or even days later. Let me show you how to backup your pyRevit code on GitHub so you never lose it.
Click Here to watch full Video:
Protect your Revit API Code Before it's too late
What Will You Learn?
I will teach you Git and how to backup your pyRevit code on GitHub and why it's the best place for your code.
We will cover:
Short Presentation: Git Basics
Install Git software for Beginners
Create GitHub Repository
GitHub Dev Secret 👀
GitHub Basics for Beginners
How to Install extension for Developers
How to Share extension
Also don't worry if you know nothing about Git or GitHub. I will also teach you the basics and how to use it during this video.
Click here to watch it today.
Don't postpone backups for another day.
You never know when something happens to your PC or when you accidentally delete your code...
Protect your pyRevit Code asap!
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