
📄 My pyRevit Script Template + Anatomy

Sep 13, 2024
pyRevit Script Template

We are getting closer to start coding with Revit API, but first let's prepare a pyRevit script Template so you never have to start from scratch (plus, who doesn't like to copy-paste code 👀).
I will give you my basic and full Templates and explain you everything about them so you can adjust them to your own needs.
Click Here to watch this Video Lesson:
Spoiler Alert!
In case you can't wait to see my Template, here is the simplified version. This is absolute minimum that you might use in your Template once you are familiar with pyRevit Anatomy.
But as a beginner, that's not enough. And that's why you should watch the full lesson to see all special pyRevit meta tags and how to use them in your scripts.

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