




Revit API Dev Guide

I want to share another useful resource for Revit API developers - Revit API Dev Guide made by Autodesk. I didn't know about it for years, so let me introduce you to it.






Revit API Dev Guide

I want to share another useful resource for Revit API developers - Revit API Dev Guide made by Autodesk. I didn't know about it for years, so let me introduce you to it.


The Final Docs you need

We're almost done with this module about documentation, and I just want to show you one more resource that can be really useful for certain topics.

Personally, I missed this resource for years while using the Revit API, and then I accidentally found it. It was incredibly helpful, especially on some of the more advanced topics.

I'm talking about the Autodesk Revit API Developers Guide.

How to Find it?

Search for 'Revit API Dev Guide' in your browser.

Once you open it, you can select the right language in the top-right corner.

If you want to change the Revit version of the guide, you can simply modify the URL part to another year.

Explore the Guide

You'll recognize this as the regular Autodesk Revit help documentation, where you can see what's inside Revit, what's changed, get started, all the regular topics, and so on.

However, what I missed for years is that if you scroll all the way down, you'll see there's a Revit Developers Guide right there, and this is huge! Let's open it up.

💡There is quite a lot included, just make sure you explore around to see what's available, so you can comeback later when you need it.

Code Snippets in C#

While exploring this guide you will find a lot of useful information:

  • Revit API Docs

  • Explanation of how it works

  • Tips of how to use Revit API

  • Code Samples in C#

But hopefully after previous lessons you are not afraid of C# anymore. You can just grab any C# snippet you find and ask Chat GPT to translate it. Then it becomes much easier and faster to explore snippets and also adjust them to your own needs.

Recommended Read:

💡In general, I would recommend to go through and open all the pulldown menus and read the titles of all pages that are included in this Revit API Dev Guide.

You never know what you might need, but once you know that it's available, it will be easy to go back and reference it when you need.

I wanted to include here most useful links, but I think there are too many of them and also I might exclude something that you would actually find interesting.

So make sure you go through the Guide and look at all available resources.


I hope you enjoyed this module about the Revit API and Revit documentation. Now you're ready to dive straight into coding, and I wish you happy coding!

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It helps me improve the course materials and add more lessons that you think might be missing. Just let me know down in the community, or I'll probably add a submission form where you can also write anonymously.


For your homework, just go through the guide and have a look around. Click on different topics. You don't need to read it all today, but you just need to know that certain topics are available so later on you can come back and revisit them when it's finally time to put them to use.

⌨️ Happy Coding!

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© 2023-2024 EF Learn Revit API

© 2023-2024 EF Learn Revit API